You’ve Got Joy.
Let that statement sink in. Breathe it. Open to it.
You’ve. Got. Joy.
Feel it resonate through your whole body. Imagine the happiness, the comfort of those words spreading into your core, warming your heart, filling your soul.
You’ve Got Joy.
The core of you is a limitless well of artesian soul-satisfying joy.
Sometimes that delicious well bubbles over, a spring that makes your body tingle. It makes you want to leap and shout and dance. Chances are, you’ve felt this at least once before.
Sometimes, it’s a distant spark that you can only find on the end of hope.
Even when joy feels distant, your joyous core wants to celebrate life. It wants to transform your sadness to serenity, your desperation to gratitude, your hopelessness to amazement. It wants you to be gloriously, unapologetically alive.
Unfortunately, it gets covered in the clutter of existence, the chaos of everyday life. And we forget to pull it out, polish it, let it glow. We forget that we can fall into its warmth any time we want, even if it’s only a taste.
We forget so easily. Sometimes, we forget just seconds after an amazing moment of happiness. Isn’t that crazy? Moments after we were ecstatically happy, feeling on top of the world, we pile all the shit right back on top of it. Maybe, the clutter is just too familiar. Maybe, we just can’t help ourselves.
It isn’t the tragedies of life that usually keep us from our joy. Sure, they can cloud it for awhile, sometimes a long while. No, the main thing that keeps us disconnected from our reason to live is day-to-day busyness. The quest to survive and work and achieve overwhelms our time and attention. We start to think that is more real than happiness. We start to believe that joy is impossible. (And believe me, I have those days, weeks, and even months, too).
The irony is that all that work and survival is so that we can find happiness. So we can feel the sweet peace of joy. The excitement of joy. The calmness, the strength, the focus of joy.
We forget that the whole point Joy.
Forgetting joy is the problem I see most often with my clients. They come out of a session, high on possibilities, floating on happiness, and within a couple of days or even hours, it’s lost in the mountain of daily stress. They forget to connect with the beauty they felt, to feel the joy available to them right now (yes, even when stressed), and steadily, it disappears.
I feel like my number one job is to remind them. To remind you.
You’ve Got Joy.
So I’ve made something to help, something simple and profound. I imagine it will expand as time passes, include other elements, but it comes down to this:
A blog post. This is the first!
A text. Every day. Sometimes twice.
A little reminder in a place that you nearly always look – your phone. A reminder to connect with your joy.
I’m calling it, You’ve Got Joy. 🙂