Tony Robbins is going on Prime Time TV tonight ( NBC 8/7CST), in the first of six episodes that teach you how to transform your life in ways that you never thought possible. The show features people that struggle with problems so overwhelming that their lives are in ruins – and they don’t see any way out. The challenge for Tony? To turn them around within 30 days. And the even bigger challenge – to show you how to turn your life around too.
I’ve listened to Tony on and off for years now. He’s intense, committed, genuine and interested in helping everyone live a life filled with passion – at least, in my opinion. Everytime I listen, I think of how many friends, clients and family members I want to listen also – to hear his ideas, his theories, his calls to action, his tools for transformation and self discovery. Now, you can, free on TV.
There’s even an after-show program. Outtakes, behind the scenes, how it applies to your life. You can find all of that on the Breakthrough Insider website. Go there now and watch a series of trailers about the show and about Tony. See the advance praise already pouring in. Who knows? Maybe he can help change your life too.