“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”
Sometimes – much of the time – we think we have to get it all done right now. Organize everything. Lose a billion pounds, eat only greens, cut out sugar forever. Meditate for an hour, 3 times a day, forever. Find enlightentment by midnight (and thus enjoy the meditating). Heal all wounded relationships, past and present. And future. Earn a million dollars a day. Become an activist, save the planet and all of its people.
But, since that isn’t going to happen today, why bother? Especially since all you have is 15 minutes before … (what was it you were going to do?) And in that 15 measely minutes, what could possibly change? Lose 15 calories and do 10 situps? Eat a carrot after? Take a deep breath?
Yes. Do that. Even the tiniest thing can start to create some momentum to be the You that you want to be. And at the end of the day, when all you did was exercise for 5 minutes, celebrate it! You didn’t do that yesterday. It was new and different and, it was progress. And, you made it through the rest of your day too.
Want to do more than that tomorrow? Ok! Do it! AND, celebrate even the tiniest of today’s victories. Sure, it may not be where you want to be yet, but keep it up. You aren’t going to save yourself and fulfil our dreams in a day. Probably not tomorrow either. But you can start.