I ran across these fabulous ideas for living the other day. Abraham Feinberg is a prominent rabbi, singer and social activist – see the link for a biography and much more of his writings. You can find these tenets all over the Internet if you do a search – I liked them enough I thought I’d share them again:
Ten Spiritual Tonics
1. Stop worrying. Worry kills life.
2. Begin each day with a prayer. It will arm your soul.
3. Control appetite. Over-indulgence clogs body and mind.
4. Accept your limitations . . .
5. Don’t envy. It wastes time and energy.
6. Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.
7. Find a hobby. It will relax your nerves.
8. Read a book a week to stimulate imagination and broaden your views.
9. Spend some time alone for the peace of solitude and silence.
10. Try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want.

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