I just love life, this tongue-dripping adventure, body-full, sensually spiritual, ecstatically creative.
Make love with the moment, with food, with poetry, with wind and thunder!
Every act is making love. Get lost in it, dance with it, swim in it. Love the perfect moments as creativity pours from your fingers and body, soul and belly… that deep sensual fire in your belly.

Lie back and let yourself fly over the mountaintops, riding your ecstasy into the brilliance – that luscious golden vision, that mottled wondrous sunset, that cloak of darkness, that rebirth at dawn, slowly black to purple to blue to yellow gold, warm and welcoming.
Will you drink this nectar, ambrosia from this orchid cup?
I find it sweet and clear. Vivid and intoxicating. And the possibilities stretch out before me.
Will you feel your lush dreams and vast possibilities when you drink?
Pause and indulge. Savor. Drink deeply.
Make love with this moment. And the next. And the next.
The slow sensual sweetness, the dance of rhythm and tempo, waltz and tango. Fun and fierce and serious and tender. Oh! The sweet act of lovemaking. Tickling and teasing every second of life. Not always what we want. Beyond what we could have imagined.
It is all part of the great and glorious vision of every single honey-soaked moment.