This year, I brainstormed resolutions. A friend wanted to collaborate on getting focused, specific and empowered in the creation of her intentions for 2011. So, I sat down with her and my wife for a round robin of goal setting. Each of us would bring up something we wanted to work on, and together, we would form the language into a powerful, positive intention that motivated us to stay with it.
Before I started, I had a loose idea of how I would launch into the New Year (the others were a bit more prepared). A part of me wondered how much difference specificity in the language would make – I know it can be extremely important when looking for answers and forming archetypal questions, but in resolutions, I like to offer some leeway to the universe for adaptation – I want to be open to possibilities I might not have considered.
What emerged was a wonderful combination of everything. Each resolution became a prayer of inspiration, hope and momentum filled with plenty of wiggle room. The collaboration allowed us to really consider what we were trying to say, encouraged us to get specific and challenge ourselves in new ways, and created a bond with each other and our intentions that seemed ripe with real possibility.
As you sit down and get focused on the year to come, consider a few things:
- Make all of your goals about choosing happiness – let them emerge from that idea.
- Create an intention for the important areas you want to improve. General categories might be money, relationships, creativity, health, playfulness, spirituality.
- Keep it simple. Four to six is most likely enough – maybe even less. You can always add more later if you’re feeling confident and successful.
- Use the most positive language you can. Play with the words to eliminate “stop this”, “don’t” and other things that reflect your fears around your goals. Instead, imagine that you have already arrived. For example, “Eliminate my fears around creative expression” could become “I embrace my creative process as an expression of me and courageously offer it to the world.” Of course, that language would be molded to fit what and how you want to express your creativity and to who (if anyone).
- Play with the words until they inspire you…until you can almost physically and emotionally feel the transformation taking place.
- It’s ok to revise. While today is a great day to start, inspiration may strike tomorrow, next week, next month on the best way to write and act on your ideas.
- Don’t wait! If the language isn’t right or you feel afraid to begin, don’t use that as another excuse to put it off. Do something today, even if it is small. A little momentum often takes you a very long way.
- Share and brainstorm with someone you trust. Let them help you with the words, increase the challenge, and offer encouragement.
- For extra credit, create manifestation statements that you can invoke on a daily basis. For example, you may resolve to lose a pound a week until you reach your optimal weight, and every day you remind yourself by saying “I am physically fit.” A series of those could be “I am financially stable and secure. I live an ecstatic life. My marriage rocks. I am physically fit.” Each of those statements reminds you of the specific intentions that support them.
It’s a new year! Choose joy! Live fully! Let your true self shine!
P.S. If you’d like to schedule a session to brainstorm your resolutions, let me know. I would love to help! I’m available for phone or in-person appointments.