Spring is here! The first crocuses and daffodils are raising their plumes above the snow, tiny buds gather themselves to burst into life-gathering leaves, and people are beginning to go out without their coats – at least during the day.
Today, Christians celebrate Jesus’ rise from the dead – an event that allows them to someday return to life from death. Most world mythologies have similar stories of death, rebirth and renewal. Persephone’s annual return from the underworld heralds the coming of spring and fertility. Oestre, goddess of dawn (where Easter gets the name), also brings with her the fertility of spring. The fabled Phoenix consumes itself with fire and rises again from the ashes.
Such stories hold a promise of renewal that can happen right now! Why not take a look at your life and see what might need some new life? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Revive a dream or a passion: Life, the judgments of others,and self sabotage are just a few things that get in the way of our dreams. That inner voice that says “It’s too late and you’re too old” is just another version of that. Maybe you still want to be a ballerina, an astronaut, a fireman, an artist. What do you want to be when you grow up? Dust off one of those old desires, take a class, do some research, give it a little attention…and see where it might lead. Even if you find out it isn’t a passion anymore, at least you can clear space for a next adventure.
- Mending friendships and family relationships. Still feeling bad about that old fight with your best friend – how many years has it been since you talked? What about your parents, or that older sibling that was always mean to you? While it is true that you may never see eye-to-eye, or even like each other anymore, if it’s been bothering you, maybe it’s time to see if the fences can be mended. Or let it go for good.
- Health and fitness. Keeping your body strong, flexible, stress free, well-fed and well-hydrated is one of the best things you can do for yourself – and most likely, there is something you’ve been meaning to do. Why not schedule that massage, do a few crunches, try a yoga pose, take a walk, drink an extra glass of water? Revitalize that part of your physical being that you might have neglected.
- Try again! We all fail – over and over. And we beat ourselves up about it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t important or shouldn’t be done. Only this time when you get back up, give yourself a break, laugh about the struggle, and see if you can think of a new way to solve the problem. If it’s been around this long, chances are, it isn’t going away on its own – but a new approach could make all the difference.
Remember, take everything one step at a time. Even if you need a complete overhaul, it isn’t all going to happen today. But it can definitely start today. What will you do?