I love how our bodies work. Every muscle connected to every other muscle. The nervous system to our digestive system. Our bones essential for us to stand, levers for our muscles to facilitate movement. Our emotions affecting our ability to think, our ability to connect with spirit.
I have clients who come in with sore arms or backs or headaches – and without attention to other areas of the body – including the emotional and energetic component – those things simply don’t go away for long. They wonder, why am I working on their back when they came in with a headache? It’s all connected.
And that extends into our communities, our relationships. Look how easily anger can silence a room or create a mob. Or how a good belly laugh spreads through a theater like a wave. How a random smile from a stranger can transform a day.
Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to forget, even in our own body, that everything is connected?
As I’ve watched the economic crisis unfold on Wall Street, I’ve wondered how it would affect my life, my work, the things I eat. I’ve wondered how it might effect the election. For some reason, I didn’t think about the other economies around the globe. This planet has become so small, and I am amazed at how our lack of financial responsibility has extended to every country around the globe. It makes me realize, again, just how much our lives can influence everyone else and it really is our responsibility, individually and as a nation, to keep those things in mind.
All these thoughts were triggered by this article on Salon.com – detailing how various governments are handling the difficult economic ripples we’re sending around the world, as well as the responses of various leaders concerning our failure to handle our troubles. We really are connected.