All my resolutions point to happy, ecstatic, healthy living. In the end, that’s what I want, this year and for the rest of my life – a deep, happy, meaningful existence filled with great relationships, fabulous food, a healthy body, amazing sex, playful living, creative expression, financial freedom, and ecstatic experiences. These things have made my life happier and more fulfilling in the past, so why not do that again? Ever since I started making any kind of resolution, it’s been so I could be happier. Why not make it more intentional?
So I ask myself about each resolution: How does this help me to live more ecstatically? How does this enrich my life?
In fact, I’m going to ask that question all the time. When I’m thinking about the future (like now) it helps me to analyze if the idea can really help me evolve as a healthy, hedonistic human J. When I apply it to a situation (positive or negative), it offers perspective on the richness of that moment. It enhances it, gives me clearer vision, helps the negative become more interesting and makes the positive even better. If I really don’t like the situation, it could give me the strength to get out if it, too.
Sure, I’m going to get into some specific intentions too, not only because I really like the excitement and anticipation of the planning, but also because “be happy” can get lost in the day-to-day details. Now, every idea will carry that seductive whisper… while you do this, while you create this, while you eat this…“get ecstatic”.
Happy New Year!